Message from the President
Piolax broadly contributes to industry and society as a pioneer in creating elasticity.
Originally founded as “Kato Hatsujo Seisakusyo” in 1933. Our business started with the production of precision metal springs for the automobile and telecommunication industries and has expanded to the development and manufacture of plastic fasteners. We outperform our competitors in that we can develop and manufacture springs made of both metal and plastic and have made the most of this strength to pioneer new business.

Setting forth the corporate philosophy, “Pioneer in creating elasticity”, we are actively pursuing the potential of “elasticity” mainly in the automobile industry, as well as in the medical device business, consumer products and other fields.
We are determined to continue to broadly contribute to society and industry through creation of innovative products by studying “elasticity” as a science.
In today’s world, many problems, such as climate change, environmental pollution, and human rights, have become more serious, and companies are required to actively address these social issues. We have been promoting ESG management to realize a sustainable society.
In terms of E (environment) of ESG, we disclosed information on climate change based on the TCFD recommendations in March 2022 as well as a roadmap toward carbon neutrality in 2050.
Concerning S (society), we have established the "Piolax Group Basic Policy on Human Rights and Labor", which clearly states that we respect the human rights of all people involved with Piolax. Furthermore, through our efforts to promote diversity within the company, we have been awarded the highest rank of "Eruboshi (L Star)", which is the excellent company certification system under the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace. We also focus on health management based on the "Health Management Declaration" and acquired the "Excellent Health Management Corporation 2022" certification in March 2022.
With respect to G (governance), we set up Sustainability Committee in December 2021 and formulated the Sustainability Policy to implement ESG management and strengthen our governance structure.
With the transition to the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, we are determined to further enhance our corporate value by meeting higher standards of governance.
For the purpose of accelerating ESG management, we set KPIs every year and take action based on our already announced ESG vision toward FY2030 “Piolax ESG Vision 2030”. By presenting our goals internally and externally, we will work together with our stakeholders, including our employees, to achieve them.
Through the ESG activities, we are striving to achieve SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals of the UN). The corporate credo "Sincerity, Cooperation, and Contribution" reflecting our management spirit of sincerity and cooperation for the benefit of customers and society is highly compatible with SDGs that aim for a sustainable society. We will continue to promote the activities so that our efforts will contribute to the achievement of such society.